Source: model/Game.js

 * Model of a game that takes advantage of Box2D.
 * @module
define(['box2d'], function(Box2D) {
  'use strict';

   * @constructor
   * @this {module:model/Game}
  var exports = function() {
    // Multiply all variables with 2 to make them more suitable.
    // See section `1.7 Units` on for an
    // explanation of why.
    this.MULTIPLIER = 2;

    // Where to store the walls
    this.walls = [];

    // Where to store the obstacles
    this.obstacles = [];

    // Create the world
    var gravity = new Box2D.b2Vec2(0.0, 0.0); = new Box2D.b2World(gravity);

    // Start with 0 tilt.
    this.horizontalTilt = 0;
    this.verticalTilt = 0;

   * Create container edges.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
   * @param {Object} width
   * @param {Object} height
  exports.prototype.createContainer = function(width, height) {
    var edges = [
        v1: new Box2D.b2Vec2(0, 0),
        v2: new Box2D.b2Vec2(0, this.MULTIPLIER * height)
        v1: new Box2D.b2Vec2(0, this.MULTIPLIER * height),
        v2: new Box2D.b2Vec2(this.MULTIPLIER * width, this.MULTIPLIER * height)
        v1: new Box2D.b2Vec2(this.MULTIPLIER * width, this.MULTIPLIER * height),
        v2: new Box2D.b2Vec2(this.MULTIPLIER * width, 0)
        v1: new Box2D.b2Vec2(this.MULTIPLIER * width, 0),
        v2: new Box2D.b2Vec2(0, 0)
    _.forEach(edges, function(edge) {
      var shape = new Box2D.b2EdgeShape();
      shape.Set(edge.v1, edge.v2);

      var bd = new Box2D.b2BodyDef();

      var body =;
      body.CreateFixture(shape, 0);

   * Add a wall to the model.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
   * @param {Object} wall
   * @param {number} wall.x X coordinate of the wall's center.
   * @param {number} wall.y Y coordinate of the wall's center.
   * @param {number} wall.width Width of the wall.
   * @param {number} wall.height Height of the wall.
   * @returns {b2Body} The Box2D body that was created.
  exports.prototype.createWall = function(wall) {
    var shape = new Box2D.b2PolygonShape();
    // Divide with 2 because Box2d's method wants the half-width and the
    // half-height, see:
      this.MULTIPLIER * wall.width / 2, this.MULTIPLIER * wall.height / 2

    var bd = new Box2D.b2BodyDef();
      new Box2D.b2Vec2(this.MULTIPLIER * wall.x, this.MULTIPLIER * wall.y)

    var body =;
    body.CreateFixture(shape, 0);

      body: body,
      width: this.MULTIPLIER * wall.width,
      height: this.MULTIPLIER * wall.height

    return body;

   * Add a ball.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
   * @param {Object} ball
   * @param {number} ball.x X coordinate.
   * @param {number} ball.y Y coordinate.
   * @returns {b2Body} The Box2D body that was created.
  exports.prototype.createBall = function(ball) {
    var shape = new Box2D.b2CircleShape();
    // Make the ball to a fourth the size of a wall cell
    var radius = this.MULTIPLIER / 8;

    var bd = new Box2D.b2BodyDef();
    // Add 0.5 to place it in the center of the cell
    bd.set_position(new Box2D.b2Vec2(
      this.MULTIPLIER * (ball.x + 0.5),
      this.MULTIPLIER * (ball.y + 0.5)

    var body =;
    var fixtureDef = new Box2D.b2FixtureDef();

    this.ball = {body: body, radius: radius};

    return body;

   * Add the exit path.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
   * @param {Array.<Object>} exitPath
   * @param {number} exitPath.x X coordinate of the cell's center.
   * @param {number} exitPath.y Y coordinate of the cell's center.
  exports.prototype.addExitPath = function(exitPath) {
    this.exitPath =, function(pathCell) {
      // Adjust the exit path coordinates with the model's multiplier
      return {
        x: pathCell.x * this.MULTIPLIER,
        y: pathCell.y * this.MULTIPLIER

   * Create an obstacle.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
   * @param {Object} obstacle
   * @param {number} obstacle.x X coordinate of the cell the obstacle will be
   *   placed in.
   * @param {number} obstacle.y Y coordinate of the cell the obstacle will be
   *   placed in.
   * @returns {b2Body} The Box2D body that was created.
  exports.prototype.createObstacle = function(obstacle) {
    var shape = new Box2D.b2CircleShape();
    // Make the obstacle to half the size of a wall cell
    var radius = this.MULTIPLIER / 4;

    var bd = new Box2D.b2BodyDef();
    // Randomly place the pbstacle in one of the cell's corners
    bd.set_position(new Box2D.b2Vec2(
      this.MULTIPLIER * (obstacle.x + 0.25 + _.random(0, 1) * 0.5),
      this.MULTIPLIER * (obstacle.y + 0.25 + _.random(0, 1) * 0.5)

    var body =;
    var fixtureDef = new Box2D.b2FixtureDef();

    this.obstacles.push({body: body, radius: radius});

    return body;

   * Step the game model.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
   * @param {number} deltaTime Time step that the world should progress.
  exports.prototype.step = function(deltaTime) {
    this.ball.body.ApplyForceToCenter(new Box2D.b2Vec2(
      // Multiply with the multiplier to the power of 2 because the area
      // of the ball increases x^2 times when the side indreases x times.
      Math.pow(this.MULTIPLIER, 2) * this.horizontalTilt * 1,
      Math.pow(this.MULTIPLIER, 2) * this.verticalTilt * 1
    ));, 3, 3);

   * Tilt the labyrinth to the left.
  exports.prototype.tiltLeft = function() {
    this.horizontalTilt = -1;

   * Tilt the labyrinth to the right.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
  exports.prototype.tiltRight = function() {
    this.horizontalTilt = 1;

   * Reset the horizontal labyrinth tilt.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
  exports.prototype.releaseHorizontalTilt = function() {
    this.horizontalTilt = 0;

   * Tilt the labyrinth downwards.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
  exports.prototype.tiltDown = function() {
    this.verticalTilt = -1;

   * Tilt the labyrinth upwards.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
  exports.prototype.tiltUp = function() {
    this.verticalTilt = 1;

   * Reset the vertical labyrinth tilt.
   * @this {module:model/Game}
  exports.prototype.releaseVerticalTilt = function() {
    this.verticalTilt = 0;

  return exports;